What is Water Efficiency?

What is Water Efficiency?

What is water efficiency?

Water efficiency is the smart use of water resources, from water-saving technologies and water consumption calculators, through to simple changes to its usage around the house. Water efficiency has a significant impact on our environment, as the less water goes down the drain, the more water is available in rivers, oceans, streams and lakes. The efficient use of water also helps livestock and marine animals stay safe. Reducing the risk of drought is crucial in adapting to a changing environment and climate. Water companies in the UK have stepped up their water efficiency strategy, as there are now free visit-and-fix services established, as well as teachings on how to manage water efficiently.

Water metering

Water metering is the act of measuring water usage. Water meters measure the volume of water used in residential and commercial buildings. Most of the world’s water meters are calibrated in cubic meters or litres. Mechanical types of water flow meters measure the speed of the water flowing through the pile. Only half of the homes in England have water meters, which is why the government needs to put specific regulations in place.

Regulations on new buildings

Water consumption calculations should be carried out in all buildings, whether it is a new or old dwelling. The Simplified Building Energy Modelling (SBEM) is an approved national calculation methodology used to calculate energy efficiency for commercial purposes. It is similar to the Standard Assessment Procedures (SAP) introduced by the government, and carried out in most buildings, to ensure that every new development meets the building regulations. SBEM calculations are carried out for non-domestic buildings and are completed at the planning stage. Although many people often get SBEM and EPC confused, an EPC is a formal certificate that shows the energy efficiency of a building and is required when it is sold or rented out. For help with building compliance, click here.

The effects of water inefficiency

Creating awareness for saving water is highly recommended, as sometimes people don’t consider its overuse as wastage. Learning about basic water-saving tips is essential.

Water saving tips for households.

• Turn off the tap while shaving, brushing teeth, washing hands or bathing, as this can save up to 6 litres of water per minute
• Fix leaking taps, sinks and faucets. A leaking tap can waste up to 15 litres of water a day and almost 5,500 litres a year. Fixing leaking taps is a way to save water and conserve energy.
• Wash fruit and vegetables in a bowl, rather than directly under the taps.
• Only fill the kettle with what you need.

Water scarcity is a moderate threat in the UK, though it could be better. The inefficient use of water is worsening due to lack of awareness, low legislative measures, lack of investment in water infrastructure, and so much more.