Accounting for Water-Efficient Fixtures and Appliances in Building Water Calculations in the UK

Accounting for Water-Efficient Fixtures and Appliances in Building Water Calculations in the UK

In recent years, there has been a growing awareness of the importance of water conservation, especially in regions like the UK where water scarcity is a pressing issue. As a result, integrating water-efficient fixtures and appliances into building designs has become a priority for architects, engineers, and policymakers alike. However, when it comes to calculating water usage in buildings, accounting for these water-saving features presents a unique set of challenges. In this blog post, we'll explore how to accurately incorporate water-efficient fixtures and appliances into building water calculations in the UK.

Understanding Water Efficiency Ratings

Before delving into the calculations, it's essential to understand the concept of water efficiency ratings. In the UK, water-efficient fixtures and appliances are often labelled with ratings such as the Water Efficiency Labeling Scheme (WELS) or the European Water Label (EWL). These labels provide consumers with information about the water consumption of a particular product, typically measured in litres per flush (for toilets), litres per minute (for taps and showers), or litres per cycle (for washing machines and dishwashers).

Calculating Water Savings

When accounting for water-efficient fixtures and appliances in building water calculations, it's crucial to quantify the potential water savings accurately. This involves comparing the water consumption of standard fixtures and appliances with their water-efficient counterparts. For example, a traditional toilet may use around 13 litres per flush, while a water-efficient toilet could use as little as 4-6 litres per flush. Similarly, older taps and showers may have flow rates of 12 litres per minute or more, whereas water-efficient alternatives could have flow rates of 6 litres per minute or less.

To calculate the water savings, multiply the difference in water consumption between standard and water-efficient fixtures and appliances by the expected usage frequency. For instance, if a household uses a toilet an average of five times per day and switches from a standard to a water-efficient toilet saving 7 litres per flush, the daily water savings would be 35 litres (7 litres/flush * 5 flushes/day). This process applies to all water-using fixtures and appliances within a building.

Incorporating Water Savings into Building Water Calculations

Once the water savings have been calculated for each fixture and appliance, they can be incorporated into building water calculations. This typically involves adjusting the baseline water consumption figures to account for the installation of water-efficient features. For example, if a building originally had standard toilets with a total daily water consumption of 150 litres and these are replaced with water-efficient toilets resulting in a daily water consumption of 90 litres, the adjusted baseline water consumption for the building would be 90 litres per day.

Considerations and Limitations

While accounting for water-efficient fixtures and appliances is essential for accurately estimating water usage in buildings, it's essential to consider some limitations. Firstly, the actual water savings achieved may vary depending on factors such as user behaviour, maintenance practices, and the quality of installation. Additionally, the effectiveness of water-efficient features may diminish over time due to wear and tear, highlighting the importance of regular maintenance and monitoring.

Furthermore, building water calculations should also consider other factors that may influence water usage, such as the size of the building, occupancy patterns, and local water availability. Integrating water-efficient fixtures and appliances is just one aspect of a comprehensive water management strategy, which may also include rainwater harvesting, greywater recycling, and water-efficient landscaping.


Incorporating water-efficient fixtures and appliances into building water calculations is vital for promoting sustainable water management practices in the UK. By quantifying and integrating the water savings associated with these features, professionals can better understand the environmental impact of their designs. For expert guidance on integrating sustainable practices into your projects, consider consulting with ATSPACE, leaders in building compliance and sustainable construction solutions. Additionally, Envelope Expert offers precise envelope calculations accredited by ATTMA, ensuring accurate building performance assessments. For temporary air sealing solutions designed by engineers, Air Sealing Expert provides temporary air sealing tape to use on your Air Sealing Test. Together, with the Easy Water Calculator, your project will be ready to go!